Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Last Week At Tybee Island, GA

Mack's second trip to the beach, but first in "beachable" attire. I should have known he'd make a bee-line straight for the ocean. So he didn't get to spend too much time in there for it is COLD still and he was getting quite messy. He had refused to nap that morning so was quite tired as you'll see in the videos i'll post later of him heading out to sea!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Video (again)

I Won't Let My Runny Nose Keep Me Down

Mack made some progress in his "cruising" last weekend, courtesy of the Wier's (thank you Liam and Jake for all your toys that we use daily!) So despite his wet shirt from the nose running like a faucet and grumbling cough, he was still on the move! He won't grab and go with this on his own, we have to stand him behind it for now, but I'm sure he'll have it down before too long (and wish I never showed him this walking thing). His favorite word at the moment are "ma ma" which of course he won't perform for me when I need him to. You'll also see my attempt to get him to say "night night" (he mumbles "yie yie") which is rather humorous. He will only repeat it when he is ready to lay down so notice he won't repeat it for me in this video - for it was not nap time yet!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday Morning The Putter Is Still Popular

The Weekend Started Innocently Enough

We spent some time outside on our deck Saturday while Brad drilled some of my corks I use for my shows (this is normally a task of my assistant in crime, Jane Marlo) but seeing as though Jane was 1000 miles away, I enlisted Brad. So in to the walker Mack went, with socks on (he is his mother's child, and really prefers no constriction on his feet, socks or otherwise) so i should have known to keep a close eye on him. He sat there staring at Brad for the longest time, watching the drill. He was soon zipping around the deck, checking out every planter type - tasting the wood vs. clay pots vs. resin. We still don't know which one "tastes" best. Yuck. Happened to notice a foot with no sock (this couldn't have been more than 3 to 5 minutes tops) and promptly put the sock back on.

That night when taking them off I had an "oh my" moment. His foot was covered in splinters. I mean COVERED. So upon calling the doctor the next morning they wanted to see him. I feared for my life - how would I keep the beast down while a doctor did surgery on so many spots on his foot. Brad's fear was they were going to keep Mack and not return him becuase we were bad, very bad parents. To my astonishment (and the dr, and the nurse, who commented several times) he was so brave! He cried several times, but the doc was able to get probably 25 of the 30+ of them out of there because he sat so still. Obviously has the father's pain tolerance, and not the mother's. So these pics are of the second day - healing nicely! You can't see all of the damage, but you get the idea. And the nurse told me this happens all the time (I'm sure she was trying to make me feel better)

Next Masters Champion?

Well, Brad returned from a couple of days at the Masters in Augusta with treasures galore. Sunburned and tired, he unveiled to Mack his first "putter" (which he of course loves to - what else, chew on, or bang things with - hopefully not GLASS) and a Masters hat to match. Mom even got a visor. Brad spent his whole second day at the tournament following Todd Hamilton. Todd's aunt and uncle are Jim and Linda Hawbaker of Chicago (Jim is a first cousin of dad's - fantastic folks that we always love spending time with) so we always like to keep an eye on how Todd is doing! Brad is hoping Linda can get Todd to sign a couple of Masters flags for him. We'll see if she can pull some strings!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Riding In A Shopping Cart

Well, he's getting the hang of this, slowly but surely...

Hi Everybody!

The boy is quick. I can't turn my back for a second and he's making a bee line for the open door, the open FRIG (that is a major "ooh ahh" - no wonder, look at his parents) the dishwasher, whatever it is. He sat in front of that window for quite some time, wondering if anyone would please come rescue me!