Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mack swimming cont.

You may want to start at the last one first and work your way up to the top, they should be in order that way ~ I THINK!

Mack Swimming cont.

Mack Swimming cont.


Swimming (or floating)...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Can't See Much - But Fun To Listen To !

This was Mack and Brad last Saturday morning, Brad was bouncing a little ball and letting it hit the ceiling and obviously Mack thought that was QUITE funny..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mack's Second Half of Swim Lessons

Call it torture, but ignore the drama aka - crying - and he is learning a very valuable skill that could God forbid save his life !

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Neighbors Over Watching The Superbowl

Had to photo these fruitloops with their glasses on watching the 3D commercial (I didn't see any 3D anything myself)

I FInally Got My First Real Haircut!

19 1/2 months old and the first official very overdue haircut. HE HATED IT. will post a video to prove it. But the gal was pretty fast considering.. now no more matted fuzz ball in the back of his head every morning, its great!

My New (Used) Kitchen / Grill

mack's new obsession is insisting on helping stir whatever is in the pan on the hot stove, or wanting to be HELD while mom or dad is trying to cook. So I thought finding mack a kitchen of his own may help a little bit. It helps, he definitely likes it ! Dad wasn't too sure that was a good thing me buying a boy a kitchen, but he does think its pretty cool, and the grill on the other side "i" thought was really cool.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Boots Aunt Amy Bought Me

Mack is liking boots - but just like his mother, his feet sweat like a pig. Do pigs sweat? He was also putting on my cowboy boots but couldn't get too far... I found him a pair on ebay that are like true cowboy boots but they are a taddd small and super slick so the poor kid can't get far in this house of wood floors. We'll resell those and get another used pair a little bigger.

The Great Mushroom Experiment

Creepy, weird and yet totally entertaining. We have harvested our first "flush" (that's a crop to you non-fungi experts) and enjoyed them in eggs last weekend. The block of nasty looking black moldy stuff (where the spores grow) is currently in a drying out phase, will be resoaked next week and Round 2 shall begin....
Scott, Brad brought home some jerky from a roadside place in Michigan, where he was for a few hours last week- said it was expensive but interesting selection of "wild game" jerky.

Grandpa, This One is For You

The mashed potato suit, altered for the upteenth time. Brad about had a heart attack that the tailoring for a few shirts and a few pairs of pants was $190 but he doesn't look like he's wearing a clown suit now. (And Scott, notice that damn Labamba noise maker! It has been on a "break" hanging out in the bathroom where Mack can only get to it from time to time instead of every 14 seconds)

Henry Childers Dodderidge

Isn't he cute ? Smiling! He's doing well, will still be in the hospital another 3 to 4 wks probably and is now about back to his birth weight, 4 lbs 5 oz. Pretty amazing for a little person that wasn't supposed to be out in the world until about St. Pat's day! He's a mini-me of his father. Sorry Libby, don't see you at all yet.

Playing With My Friends

Mack loves to play with his buddies Robby (almost 4) and Stephen (almost 2). They all enjoy dumping every toy on the ground.

We're Back!

I apologize for the lack of photos! Where has the month gone? You will see the bottle still in hand, although he will do the sippy cup at school and around other kids. So yes, mom needs to be the bad guy and just take them all away. Dad is guilty too, and he doesn't want to be the bad guy either of course.... so we're getting there, we're just not quite there YET! You must also realize how difficult it is to get Mack STILL to take a pic!